Here's the video of my Instagram reel if you'd like to watch:
Lift & Swing, Week 1 Day 1. Pull
Warmup: glute bridges
A1: pullups-8,7,5
A2: KB swings-10,10,10
B1: single arm DB row-12/12, 12/12, 10/10
B2: KB swings-10,10,10
C1: incline DB curls-10,8,6
C2: KB swings-10,10,10
Total time = 43 minutes
This program combines basic hypertrophy training with simple kettlebell conditioning.
It's a new experiment I'm trying out, but it's super simple. I'm training the same way I usually do – PPL, 3-6 days per week, 3 exercises per session, 2-3 sets per exercise – BUT, I'm alternating each set of each exercise with 10 kettlebell swings.
I used the 32kg/70lb bell for the swings. That's currently the perfect weight for me. It feels light enough to do 90 swings per day, but heavy enough that I actually have to focus on producing power through the hips and planking my abs at the top of each rep.
I followed the session with 25 minutes in the sauna.