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05/13/2024 Training Log

Summer Shred Day 4. PPL day 25, Pull

Ex 1: pullups-8,8

Ex 2: single arm DB rows-12/12, 12/12

Ex 3: incline DB curls-9,6

Ex 4: DB chest supported rear delt fly-12,15

Total time = 27 minutes, 30 seconds

I'll add weight on pullups and rows. 

I'm a huge advocate for dead hang pullups. That's a dead hang pause at the bottom of each rep, before pulling myself up and hitting my upper chest to the bar, pausing a moment before slowly controlling myself down.

In my opinion, there is no better back exercise than pullups performed in this manner. Sadly, too many people bastardize pullups by letting themselves half rep with half tension to appease their ego for some rep count. 4-8 reps is a great rep range for pullups. When you can do multiple sets of 8 with perfect form, strap some weight around your waist.

I was thinking I would lift in my garage during a 3 hour gap in the middle of my day. My client schedule today is 7am-12pm; 3pm-6:30pm.

But I had a client call out sick at 9 and the coffee was hitting just right so I took advantage and knocked out my session on the clock. That'll give me 2+ proper hours at home to eat, relax, and catch up on some reading.

How's everyone's summer Shred going? I trust well?

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