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08/02/2024 Workout of the Day


Life and work have been criminally busy the past couple weeks so I haven't updated my workouts here as religiously. But I've continued to share on Twitter/X and – for the most part – on Instagram, as well.

No garage gym lift today. I squeezed in a lift between clients at the gym.

It's always sub-optimal when I lift where I work. Interruptions to fix toilets, fix an elliptical cable, and sign up 1 new member were the highlights of today's commercial gym workout. But I still got a nice pump during my Friday Bro Day session. Below are the details.

Chest & Arms

Ex 1: incline barbell bench press-2x5

Ex 2: incline dumbbell bench press-10,9

Ex 3: incline dumbbell curls-2x8

Ex 4: overhead cable extensions with extra long rope (clutch)-9,7

Ex 5: incline hammer curls-12,8

All in all I squeezed this into a fairly dense time frame since I had only 1 hour between clients and I was done and changed before my next client came in. It probably took around 40-45 minutes including the interruptions.

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