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A Sunday Fast


Today I'm fasting until dinner.

It's a good day for it.

I've eaten more calories than my goal the last few days. I ate out a few times this week and I could use a little reset.

I stopped eating yesterday at 7pm.

Tonight, I will end my fast with a feast with friends at 7pm. We're planning to go out for pizza.

No hypertrophy training today. I'm just doing a 15-20 minute kettlebell swing EMOM workout, going for a walk, working around the house, doing some reading (I have 70 pages left in "Dune" – I'd like to finish it today), writing a free PDF manual, creating some emails, making some videos for YouTube, creating content for Twitter and Instagram, and generally staying busy.

It's tough to go 24 hours without food if your mind and body aren't focused on other tasks. 

I have plenty of other tasks to focus on today – but none are very physically or energetically draining. 

I'll drink some electrolytes today, along with coffee, decaf coffee, herbal teas, and slightly salted water.

I enjoy doing intermittent fasting at least 1 day per week. I don't often do these 24 hour fasts, but maybe I'll begin doing it on a monthly, weekly, or biweekly schedule. It's a simple way to ensure a weekly calorie deficit, but the lack of protein might negatively effect muscle gains. I'm not really positive, though, since I haven't experimented long enough with it.

One thing I am sure of is that fasting (even intermittently) resets the mind, body, and digestive tract. Most importantly, it allows me to practice a little discipline and delayed gratification.

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