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Maximizing our physiques with 30 minute workouts

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Don't Butcher Bulgarian Split Squats

Stop turning Bulgarian split squats into a kick stand, partial range of motion RDL. It's a squat pattern, not a hinge pattern. Don't...

Chalk & Steel Fitness Program

Chalk & Steel ebook link: This is a 12 week program where you'll be clapping chalk on your...

Leg Training with ONLY Dumbbells?

The solution is unilateral work. Bulgarian split squats, lunges, single leg (supported) RDLs, and single leg calf raises will do the...

07/23/2024 Workout of the Day

Today's workout. Leg Session Warmup: dead bugs & single leg glute bridges Ex 1: Bulgarian split squats-2x6-10 Ex 2: single leg...

07/17/2024 Workout of the Day

07/17/2024 WOD Leg session at Mountainside Fitness in Tempe, Arizona Ex 1: leg extensions-20,20,15 Ex 2: leg curls-15,10 Ex 3: Bulgarian...

07/10/2024 WOD. Leg Day 07/10/2024 WOD Leg Day...again Warm up: kettlebell swings-3x10 Ex 1: Bulgarian...

07/07/2024 WOD

07/07/2024 WOD Legs Ex 1: Bulgarian split squats-2x8-12 Ex 2: single leg RDL-2x8-10-15 Ex 3: *unilateral leg extensions-2x10-15 Ex 4:...

Why 50 Kettlebell Swings per Day?

Why 50 Kettlebell Swings per Day? Why any daily swings? And if doing a challenge to swing a kettlebell every day, why just 50? Why not do...

06/08/2024 Training Log

Rest day except my swings today. Day 8 of 50 #kettlebellswings per day challenge completed. I did 1 hand swings with the 28kg (62lb)...

06/06/2024 Training Log

Today was one of those long days at work. 7am-6:30pm. Got home, ate dinner, and realized I've got 50 daily swings to do. I did 1 hand...

06/05/2024 Training Log. Legs

For video log, check out my YouTube video of the session here: It was a hot session in...

06/02/2024 Training Log. Kettlebell Axe

50 kettlebell swings per day challenge, day 2 of 30. 10x5 EMOM, Dead stop kettlebell swings with the 40kg (88LB) bell. Dead stop swings...

Fit Minimalist Program Fit Minimalist Program actually contains endless programming opportunities. But this FREE ebook...

Being Fit is Everyone's Responsibility

Health and fitness is NOT just a hobby. It's a responsibility. When you become an adult, daily – even light – exercise must become as...

05/29/2024 Training log. PPL Day 33, Legs

Warmup: single leg glute bridges, mace 360s (golly, I suck at these), hanging leg raises from the rings Ex 1: reverse lunges-8/8, 7/7,...

05/26/2024 Training Log. Kettlebell AXE

Cast iron "Cardio" day. Kettlebell AXE keeps me sane and entertained on my non-lifting days. 18 minute EMOM Kettlebell swings x 5 reps...

Home: Blog2


I'm a practical garage gym bro, who happens to also be a certified personal trainer, strength & conditioning coach, and an uncertified writer. I promote simple, but effective practices to maximize strength, hypertrophy, and body composition.

On this site, I am specifically focusing on promoting the "30 Minute Physique" lifestyle, and will be sharing my journey of getting as jacked as possible via 30 minute workouts.

Check out my Gumroad page to join my email list and peruse my ebooks and programs for sale:

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