Optimization culture has gotten out of hand.
The result: people overthink everything and focus on filling up small holes before considering filling the big (and obvious) holes.
Fill up those big holes. Focus on that.
Once you get really good at filling those big holes, THEN you can start worrying about small holes.
This goes for every area of life.
When it comes to lifting, this means you focus on getting stronger on your compound exercises and your basic isolation exercises, while getting to the gym 3-4 days per week.
When it comes to nutrition, count your calories, aim for 0.7+ grams of protein per pound of bodyweight daily.
Sleep? Skip the BS optimal sleep routine for now and focus, instead, on simply getting to bed at an hour that allows you 7-8 hours of sleep per night (and wake up around the same time each morning).
Sauna? Just go to the sauna 2 days per week for a while.
Creatine? Take it.
Trying to adopt a habit (hobby, really) of reading books? Buy a book or go to the library and check out a book. Read it.
Morning routine? How about waking up early enough so you're not stressed out and rushing to work like your hair is on fire. That'll be a start.
Walking? Just walk. Don't go through some ridiculous pre, intra, and post-walk supplemental routine. Are you kidding me?
Stop letting the influencers fool you into doing the most to get the least. It's the basic, little things that will get you the results. Adherence is important. So focus on just actually doing the things, simply, first. Then add complexity as your little hearts desire.