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Maximizing our physiques with 30 minute workouts

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The 3 Keys for Strength & Muscle Gains

Increasing strength and muscle mass comes down to 3 things: 1. Training with intention  2. Executing quality, intentional training,...

Breaking Down Pullups

Pullups simplified⬇️ Step 1: Hang low. Stretch the lats Step 2: pull yourself up until your chest touches the bar. Contract the lats and...

Train for Gains, Not for Fatigue

Don't train simply to get tired. Train to get stronger and bigger. You don't need to feel exhausted after sessions. Lifting weights is...

A Fun Training Session

Extremely busy day. I had clients back to back from 7am-4pm (2 of which were half hour clients so 11 total today) and I managed to knock...

Reflecting on My 2024 Cutting Phase

My cut officially ended July 7, 2024 The day previously I ate hot dogs and Oreos, but somehow managed to keep my calories around...

Filling in the Kettlebell Gaps

Kettlebells are great for many things. They do a very good job covering the bases for vertical push (military press variations),...

07/08/2024 WOD. Pull

07/08/2024 WOD Pull session Ex 1: weighted pullups-2x5-8 Ex 2: single arm DB row-2x8-12 Ex 3: EZ bar curl-2x6-10 Ex 4: incline DB...

Being Fit is Everyone's Responsibility

Health and fitness is NOT just a hobby. It's a responsibility. When you become an adult, daily – even light – exercise must become as...

The Optimal Fitness Program

People get so caught up trying to be optimal that they forget about enjoyment. The secret, though, is this: enjoying your training leads...

05/19/2024 Training Log

Summer Shredding Day 10. Mindless Muscle Day 1, session A Warmup: dead bugs, ring ab rollouts, calf raises-32kg x 20/20 3 exercises below...

An Ode to Dead Hang Pullups

Dead hang pullups are an elite strength & muscle builder. Dead hang weighted pullups are a legendary strength & muscle builder. Get...

05/13/2024 Training Log

Summer Shred Day 4. PPL day 25, Pull Ex 1: pullups-8,8 Ex 2: single arm DB rows-12/12, 12/12 Ex 3: incline DB curls-9,6 Ex 4: DB chest...

Home: Blog2


I'm a practical garage gym bro, who happens to also be a certified personal trainer, strength & conditioning coach, and an uncertified writer. I promote simple, but effective practices to maximize strength, hypertrophy, and body composition.

On this site, I am specifically focusing on promoting the "30 Minute Physique" lifestyle, and will be sharing my journey of getting as jacked as possible via 30 minute workouts.

Check out my Gumroad page to join my email list and peruse my ebooks and programs for sale:

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