3 day per week Full Body training template:
It's really simple. You alternate between just 2 – yes 2 – sessions using the 6 basic movement patterns and key accessories as your guide.
Session A
Ex 1: vertical pull (pulldown or pullup variation)
Ex 2: squat variation
Ex 3: vertical push (overhead press)
Ex 4: hinge variation
Ex 5: bicep isolation
Ex 6: tricep isolation
Session B
Ex 1: horizontal pull
Ex 2: alternate squat variation
Ex 3: horizontal push (bench press or pushup variant)
Ex 4: hinge or hamstring curl variation
Ex 5: calf raise
Ex 6: lateral raise
Variations are broad and wide. Movement patterns are non-negotiable. That means, "squat variation," for example, could be a barbell squat, a split squat, a leg press, or even a lunge variation. The exact exercise is totally up to the individual.
Do 2-3 sets per exercise.
Rest 1-2 days between each session.
Stop over complicating programming. It's simple.
Now do the work and get stronger on your selected exercise variations.