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The Double Kettlebell Clean


This may be the most powerful stance.

In the kettlebell world, the bells always start on the floor. As a result, many exercises require at least 1 smooth, yet explosive hinge to get the bells off the floor and into the starting position.

The clean is a powerful exercise in its own right – whether from a dead stop or a traditional swing clean – and it would behoove you to master these 2 clean variations if you want to get the most out of your kettlebell training.

Not only does a strong clean build strong hips, legs, and back, but it also allows you to safely handle more weight in any exercise that requires a front rack. 

One of my favorite exercise variations to improve my clean and my front rack position is the clean & front squat.

Get strong on your cleans.

PS: I have switched from a pronated grip (thumbs back) clean to a neutral grip (as shown) clean. It just feels more natural for me. It also allows me to keep my stance a little narrower, which makes my 12 labral tears in my hips happier.

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