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05/14/2024 Training Log

Summer Shred Day 5. PPL day 26. Push

Ex 1: 1/2 kneeling KB military press-12/12, 12/12

Ex 2: incline DB bench press-9,8

Ex 3: single arm KB clean & press-6/6, 7/7

Ex 4: single arm cable pushdown-12/12, 8/8

Total time = 32 minutes 

I like presses. So instead of doing 1 overhead press variation, I did 2.

Today was my first day doing single arm clean & press in quite a while. It's a fun movement. It hits a lot of muscles and the combination of a ballistic + a grind in 1 exercise is always fun. 

I'll mix it up between these and lateral raises as my secondary shoulder exercise on Push days.

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