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Maximizing our physiques with 30 minute workouts

I'm a practical garage gym bro, who happens to also be a certified personal trainer, strength & conditioning coach, and an uncertified writer. I promote simple, but effective practices to maximize strength, hypertrophy, and body composition.

On this site, I am specifically focusing on promoting the "30 Minute Physique" lifestyle, and will be sharing my journey of getting as jacked as possible via 30 minute workouts.

Check out my Gumroad page to join my email list and peruse my ebooks and programs for sale:

Home: Welcome

The Golden Era Way

The Golden Era bodybuilders truly knew the way to live life best. Excluding the drug use, these guys had a habit of doing the following...

Minimalist Hypertrophy Programs

I'm not "anti-minimalist" by any means. But, when I see a "hypertrophy program" that consists of just 2 exercises (for the entire plan),...

Story Time!

I saw this post on Twitter about "exercises to lose fat around your lower belly." I had an aneurysm. When I recovered from the aneurysm,...

05/01/2024. PPL Day 18. Pull

I did this session at the Anytime Fitness where I work, betwixt a couple of client sessions. Here's how it went. Ex 1: lat...

PPL is NOT Complicated

Or at least it shouldn't be. Pull, push, leg – or push, pull, leg – splits are not complicated. There's this idea that "bodybuilding...

Kettlebells & Body Building

I've written extensively about this before, so I won't go over all that I already wrote again. At least not verbatim. I'll find that...

Training Log. PPL Day 16. Push Day

Day 1 of my cut, but day 16 of my PPL program. Warmup: hanging leg raises Ex 1: incline DB bench press-75x10,8 Ex 2: half kneeling single...

Training Log. PPL Pull Session

Basic PPL Day 15 Pull Session Ex 1: pullups-8,6 Ex 2: single arm DB rows-2x12/12 Ex 3: incline DB curls-9,7 Ex 4: incline hammer...

Low Volume Training and Adherence

Lower volume of training per session can be a key to increasing training adherence. If we don't train consistently we can't gain...

"But I don't have time to lift!"

Greater duration does not equal greater results. Quality + effort + consistency = results So to answer the age old complaint: "I don't...

The Beach Body Protocol

Can you feel it? I can feel it. Summer is right around the corner, possibly even already present in whatever little crevice of the world...

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I'm a practical garage gym bro, who happens to also be a certified personal trainer, strength & conditioning coach, and an uncertified writer. I promote simple, but effective practices to maximize strength, hypertrophy, and body composition.

On this site, I am specifically focusing on promoting the "30 Minute Physique" lifestyle, and will be sharing my journey of getting as jacked as possible via 30 minute workouts.

Check out my Gumroad page to join my email list and peruse my ebooks and programs for sale:

Home: About Me
Home: Product Gallery
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