PPL Day 22 (or something like that). Push day at the Gym where I work.
Ex 1: incline DB bench press-10,7,6
Ex 2: half kneeling KB military press-3x8/8
Ex 3: single arm tricep pushdown-10/10, 6/6, 5/5
Total time = 29 minutes
One of the perks of the 30 Minute Physique lifestyle is how easy it is to check the box and accomplish productive workouts, despite how little time I may have to dedicate to training.
I can always find 30 minutes in the day to get my pump on (there's a slogan for you).
I make up for the relatively lower volumes by training with higher frequencies (training almost every day).
I created this idea of "the 30 minute physique" for myself, because I was dealing with a busy schedule and less than optimal recovery. Many of my clients and subscribers deal with similar schedules.
I'm still busy – almost as busy as ever. But, I'm fortunate to work in a gym AND have the home gym, which gives me no excuse to not get my lifts in, even if all I have is 30-40 my minutes available.