07/10/2024 WOD
Leg Day...again
Warm up: kettlebell swings-3x10
Ex 1: Bulgarian split squats-7/7, 6/6
Ex 2: Leg curls-15,12,10
Ex 3: Alternating reverse lunges-10/10, 10/10
Ex 4: Offset kettlebell calf raise-15/15, 15/15
Total Time = 36 minutes
It was 105 degrees during my training. I did the swings and Bulgarian split squats outside (in case you couldn't tell the difference between my backyard and my garage). It's supposed to get up to 110 degrees by 5pm.
I did most of the workout in the garage because that's where my leg curl machine is, and calf raises are much more convenient in the garage. While my garage does NOT have AC/Heat, it is actually a wee-bit more comfortable than the outdoors when we hit these somewhat extreme temperatures.
Here are some tips for dealing with training during warmer times:
1. Rest a little longer between sets
2. Put a bit of extra salt in your water
3. Drink the water.