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06/29/2024 Training Log. Kettlebell Leg Workout

Kettlebell Hypertrophy Leg Workout

Warmups: Indian clubs; glute bridge, KB overhead situp

Ex 1: BSS-2x24kg x8/8, 8/8

Ex 2: single leg RDL-28kg x15/15, 10/10

Ex 3: alternating reverse lunges-2x20kg x10/10, 10/10

Ex 4: 1 KB calf raise-28kg x15/15, 15/15

Total Time = 36 minutes 

I've officially been in a calorie deficit for 9 weeks and this past week was the first where I started noticing a bit of fatigue as a result of the deficit. But this is the final push. I made a goal to cut until July 13th, and set up my calorie deficit to be very sustainable as a result (I'm almost never in a calorie deficit and when I have done a proper "cut" in the past, I've rarely exceeded 6-8 weeks).

This has easily been my best cutting phase to date. 

My protein has been around 200 grams or more every single day. My sanity has been maintained as much as I can normally claim to be sane. My energy levels have been good. And, of course, most importantly, I've visually become leaner. I'll be interested to see how the before cut and after cut pictures compare, along with the comparisons on the body composition scanner. 

For what it's worth, I'm down from around 210ish (give it take, before I started cutting) to currently sitting in the 195-197 range, while maintaining a deficit of about 400-600 calories per day. The goal wasn't necessarily to lose a certain number of pounds, but rather, to add a couple abs, veins, and drop a couple percentages of body fat. We shall see, officially, in 2 more weeks.

I have included a couple days of somewhat longer fasts, around the 20-24 hours without calories range. That's mainly been on a weekend day after eating a bit closer to maintenance the day before, but also just for a mental challenge. Maybe it's good for my gut biome and what say you, as well. But I can't say that's my intentions for these longer periods of fasting.

In fact, today I was fasted for about 21 hours before hitting this leg session. I did drink some Pedialyte during the session. It's definitely not chilly in my garage today so sodium was my friend. I followed the session with a 'whey protein + milk' shake and will plan to eat a big meal tonight.

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