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09/15/2024 Workout Snack


I've been deloading for the past several days, but while I was waiting for the sauna to heat up, I decided I'd get a quick arm pump.

I grabbed my pair of 30 pound dumbbells and knocked out a set of slow, controlled, 15 reps.

Then I grabbed my thickest resistance band, looked it around my pullup bar, stepped back a bit to maximize resistance, and did 30 reps, really focusing on squeezing the triceps at peak contraction and then slowly fighting during the eccentric portion.

I repeated these 2 exercises for 2 more sets each, making 3 sets of biceps and 3 sets of triceps.

I was done in about 10 minutes and successfully acquired a nasty arm pump. Is there any better feeling?!

This ended up being a phenomenal mini arm workout before hopping in the sauna for 20 minutes.

Simple equipment + simple exercises + high

No need to over complicate arm training.

Elbow flexion (bicep curl variation) + elbow extension (tricep extension variation) = bigger biceps + bigger triceps.

Nice little workout snack.

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