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Introducing the Lift & Swing plan. Easy Way to Increase Conditioning while Losing Fat Fast.

The Lift & Swing Plan!

This plan combines my love for traditional, Gironda-esque body building with my love for kettlebell conditioning. I think it might be a perfect marriage, but time will tell. 

In this plan, I'll superset each of my working sets for each exercise with 10 kettlebell swings.

It's simple.

Here's how I'm going to incorporate it into my "30 Minute Physique Summer Shredding" program.

(My exact plan shown below):

Garage Gym Bro's Lift & Swing Plan


A1: pullups-2x5-8

A2: KB swings-2x10

B1: single arm rows (cable or DB)-2x8-15

B2: KB swings-2x10

C1: incline DB curls-2x6-12

C2: KB swings-2x10

D1: chest supported rear delt fly (with DBs) OR shrugs OR incline hammer curls-2x12-15

D2: KB swings-2x10


A1: incline DB bench press-2x6-12

A2: KB swings-2x10

B1: kettlebell or barbell military press (or single arm military press – either standing, half kneeling, or Z press)-2x6-12

B2: KB swings-2x10

C1: DB lateral raise-2x10-15

C2: KB swings-2x10

D1: triceps pushdowns (single arm pushdowns or overhead extensions to even out imbalances)-2x8-15

D2: KB swings-2x10


A1: Bulgarian split squat or reverse lunges-2x6-12

A2: KB swings-2x10

B1: leg curls or single leg RDL (alternate each session)-2x8-15

B2: KB swings-2x10

C1: calf raise-2x12-20

C2: KB swings-2x10

D1: sissy squat or leg extensions or belt squat-2x10-20

D2: KB swings-2x10

In order to maximize time efficiency and keep my sessions around 30 minutes, I'll do 2 sets per exercise.

I aim to train 5-6 days per week.

So this would result in about 4 sets per week per exercise, plus an additional 480 swings per week.

Let's see what happens after doing this for a couple months.

Feel free to join in on the fun.

You could also do this with just 3 exercises per session along with swings, but doing 3 sets per exercise.

That plan, which we'll call "Lift & Swing 3" (3 for the 3 sets per exercise and 3 exercises per session + swings after each set) would look like this:

Train 3-6 days per week


A1: pullups-3x5-8

A2: KB swings-3x10

B1: rows-3x6-12

B2: KB swings-3x10

C1: incline DB curls-3x6-12

C2: KB swings-3x10


A1: incline DB bench press-3x6-12

A2: KB swings-3x10

B1: military press or lateral raise-3x6-12

B2: KB swings-3x10

C1: single arm tricep pushdowns-3x6-12

C2: KB swings-3x10


A1: Bulgarian split squats or preferred squat variation-3x6-12

A2: KB swings-3x10

B1: hamstring curls-3x10-15

B2: KB swings-3x10

C1: calf raise-3x12-20

C2: KB swings-3x10

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