Garage Gym Chronicles: 12/03/2024 Training Log. Upper Body
Heck of an upper body session in the garage and backyard today. Beautiful sunny weather for a lift.
Part 1 (22 minute AMRAP, but resting as much as needed/desired. No rushing)
A1: kettlebell clean & press-5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5
A2: pullups-6,6,6,5,5
Part 2 (Giant set)
B1: incline dumbbell curls-8,8,7
B2: tricep pushdowns-12,10,10
B3: pushups-20,15,12
Total Time = 40 minutes
Super easy way to make pushups more challenging:
Superset them with a tricep isolation.
Better yet, do the tricep isolation first.
The pushups will then rely on your chest muscles while finishing off the triceps.
This method is NOT ideal if pushups are your main exercise for the day, but super effective if you're just trying to get some upper body bonus volume at the end of a session and don't want to spend a lot of time counting reps.
I'm working on a Christmas gift for anyone looking to receive. It's a new program subscription, similar to "The Lifting Club," except this one will be primarily a kettlebell + bodyweight program subscription. There will be optional bonus exercises where dumbbells or machines may be used, if preferred (but you certainly don't NEED any equipment besides kettlebells and bodyweight).
The main pitch of the program subscription is that each month you'll receive a flexible, time efficient program prioritizing kettlebell and bodyweight training. The programs are designed to get you stronger, more muscular, more confident, and more athletic (ie: you'll learn to move better).
As always, if your nutrition is appropriate (eating in a calorie deficit and prioritizing protein intake) these programs will aid fat loss.
These programs are designed to help your improve body composition while improving your general fitness, as well. What's not to love?
As is the case with my other monthly subscriptions, the cost will be just $5 per month.
BUT, if you want to give it a try, contact me by Christmas day and I'll send you the first month of programming for FREE, no strings attached.
Thanks for reading. Happy hoisting!