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Kettlebells + Dumbbells = THE Way


Kettlebells are great. 

I think people misunderstand kettlebells, though – largely because they've been marketed in a minimalist way that's sub-optimal for strength & muscle and the fact that most commercial gyms only supply light bells.

But kettlebells can be great for both, strength and muscle, if used intelligently. They can also be used almost interchangeably with dumbbells. 

Personally, I use both. A lot.

I like kettlebells more for military press and I like the smooth combination of ballistics + grinds you can do with kettlebells (like clean & press, clean & lunge/squat). 

Dumbbells are better for arm isolation and bench press variations. 

I could use either, depending on weights available, for most of my exercises, including lunges, RDL variations (single leg & B stance), split squats, Bulgarian split squats, rows, and even front squats.

Kettlebell swings, snatches, and clean & jerks are good explosive, strength endurance exercises. You can also do those moves with dumbbells, but they feel better with kettlebells once you learn how to use them properly. 

All this is to say that heavy kettlebells are a great tool to supplement one's training. They can help you become stronger, bigger, more explosive, better conditioned, and more resilient. 

Yes, you can become plenty jacked and aesthetic training with kettlebells. Even moreso if you combine kettlebell training with dumbbell training. But you won't achieve a great physique if you fall for the highly marketed minimalist kettlebell "programs" consisting of just 2 or 3 exercises.

A well balanced, well-muscled body requires a well balanced, sensible program.

Again, this is very easy to do if you combine kettlebell training with dumbbell training. If you don't have kettlebells, you can achieve similar results with dumbbells. 

If you train at home, I recommend you prioritize a combination of dumbbells, kettlebells, and bodyweight exercises for a long life of gains and time efficient workouts.

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