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05/19/2024 Training Log


Summer Shredding Day 10. Mindless Muscle Day 1, session A

Warmup: dead bugs, ring ab rollouts, calf raises-32kg x 20/20

3 exercises below were done is circuit fashion, resting as needed.

A1: pullups-8,5,6,6,5

A2: single arm kettlebell military press-8/8, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 5/5

A3: kettlebell swing-10,12,12,15,15

Total Time = 28 minutes 

5 rounds of each exercise.

I accumulated 30 reps of pullups, 31 reps (per arm) military press, and 64 reps or swings all in under 30 minutes. 

Not bad. Not a bad session at all.

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