The plan is really just a commitment. There's no specifics.
The 4x52 plan is simply working out – in some capacity – 4 days per week for 52 weeks.
You can do more, but aim for at least 4 days of exercise per week every week.
Now, that doesn't mean you must do 4 lifting sessions every week!
This could be 3 lifting sessions plus 1 day of conditioning, a fitness, class, yoga, or even just getting on the floor and doing some ab work or pushups. That 4th day is often just a longer walk.
You could do 2 lifting days per week along with at least 2 bodyweight or general cardio days per week.
Or, you could aim for 4 days of lifting per week.
I still recommend getting your steps in during those other days, but at a minimum, do SOME form of formal (even if it's low intensity) exercise 4 days per week.
Personally, I like to do something every day.
I almost always get 10,000+ steps per day. But I find lifting 4 days per week works perfectly for me. And then I'll do something recreational or brief conditioning on 1-3 other days per week.
Often, my week will break down something like this:
4 days of lifting weights for around 30-45 minutes each session.
2 days of 5 rep kettlebell swings or cleans every minute on the minute for 10-20 minutes.
1 day swinging my clubs, going for a longer walk, or doing some easy recreational activity.
In my case, the 4x52 equals out to how many days per week I lift per year. Sometimes I lift as many as 6 days per week (but those sessions will always be a bit shorter). But, in general, I think everyone should adopt a 4x52 mindset and check the box of exercise at least 4 days per week, every week.
Give it a shot and let me know how you feel, look, and think in 12 months from now.
If you need help or accountability, check out one of me free ebooks, my $5 ebooks, or click the link below to sign up for my online coaching service that's currently 50% off!