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Simple Strength & Conditioning

Simple strength and conditioning (and muscle building) method:

Pick an exercise that's a traditional strength/hypertrophy exercise.

Do a set. I don't care how many reps. Let's say somewhere between 3-12 reps. This will depend on the specific exercise you choose and the weight you have available to use.

Rest a minute or so.

Then, swing a moderate to heavy kettlebell for 10 reps. If doing 1 handed swings, rest a minute, then switch sides and do 10 1 handed swings with the other hand.

Rest 1-2 minutes.

If you're doing 2 handed swings, just do 10 swings and rest 1-2 minutes.

3-4 minutes have now passed since your last set of your strength/hypertrophy exercise. So do another set.

Repeat this cycle with 1 or several strength/hypertrophy exercises for the rest of the session.

I like to pick 3-4 exercises per session (each done for 2-3 working sets) and pair each set of each exercise with 10 swings.

This does a couple things.

1. It gives you something to do during your rest periods. A lot of my clients (and myself, for that matter) have a hard time resting for 3+ minutes between sets. It can be boring, even if you're struggling to get your breath back. Catching your breath and then doing 12-15 seconds of explosive, powerful swings makes it less boring and more productive from a general fitness standpoint (most people want improved general fitness, which is a combination of muscle, strength, mobility, conditioning, and athleticism).

2. Swings are an easy way to sneak in specific training for conditioning AND power development. Most people don't train either of these 2 important qualities. 10 reps of swings for several sets train both qualities.

Bonus: swings provide quality extra volume for the glutes, hamstrings, quads, back, and abs, without a lot of muscular damage, due to over speed eccentrics instead of slow eccentrics.

Over the next few months, I'll be sharing my own journey using a "Lift & Swing" program. Many of my in-person clients are running lift & swing programs and are really enjoying it.

I'm going to run a small, group online version of "Lift & Swing" programming beginning October 1st. The cost will be a 1 time payment of $39 for the full 8 weeks. Let me know if you're interested. I'll send out the link to sign up when it's ready to begin an a couple weeks.

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