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09/30/2024 Training Log


I had precisely 27 minutes to train today, during a Monday gauntlet of clients.

I would have had 30 minutes available between 2 of my 9 sessions, but lo-and-behold, my services were needed for 3, unplanned, extra minutes. That's life folks.

The great news?

I only needed 25 minutes to complete today's leg session. Read below to see what I did.

09/30/2024 Training Log

PPL 365 Block 1, Week 1, Day 1. Legs

Ex 1: Bulgarian split squats-2x8/8

Ex 2: hamstring curls-2x15

Ex 3: Alternating reverse lunges-2x8/8

Ex 4: offset calf raise-2x15/15

Total time = 25 minutes on the dot.

If I had those extra 3 minutes available, I likely would have pushed closer to failure on my Bulgarian split squats and lunges. But, I think I did enough work with enough effort to flip the "stimulated" switch, so that's all that matters.

Back to work to finish off the remaining onslaught of clients.

Happy Monday.

If you're interested in joining in the fun of "PPL 365," get my new ebook for $5, here:

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